About the project


The aim of the project is to promote a unified strategic approach to reforming Romanian doctoral studies in order to make sure that doctoral and postdoctoral programmes contribute effectively to the training of researchers with internationally recognized achievements, and thus ensure the visibility and recognition of the talent of young researchers trained in the country.

The project's summary is available here.

General Objective

The project’s major objective is to restructure and strengthen the doctoral education and research programmes within the national higher education and research system so as to identify and develop an institutional infrastructure able to support and improve the implementation of the 3rd Bologna cycle in correlation with the 2nd cycle, as a significant aspect of the integration of the Romanian higher education in the European Higher Education Area and in the European Research Area. 

The project, therefore, meets the objective of the Priority Axis 1, of "restructuring and improving education and training systems”, the models and tools for a strategic approach of the doctoral education system, with multiple effects on all implementation stages of the doctoral cycle, representing the basic elements of a modern education and training system.

Partners of the project

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November 2018

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